Ancestors of Jennifer Anne Davis


656. traditionally Robert Pickens

This is a working/research database and may contain errors. Pleaseevaluate the information and sources carefully as much of it issecondary. You will want to consider it a starting point, and confirm thedata with additional resesarch. Corrections/additions are welcome and areearnestly solicited. 'Abt' dates and 'in/of' places are best-guessestimates for reference purposes. This information is a joint effort, andthe information contained herein is the property of those who havecontributed it. This data is to be used for private research only.Copyright restrictions may apply.
Terry (Pickens) McLean email:

Name given variously as 'Robert', 'Andrew', 'Robert Andrew', 'Henry',and various combinations of the preceding. I will use 'Robert' untilfurther record dictates change. Robert was the name used by ElizaPICKENS, great-granddaughter of General Andrew PICKENS in her report tothe D.A.R.
I consider the names and dates that make up the information for thisfamily group to be 'traditional'. In 30 years of researching the PICKENSfamily, I have seen no primary sources to support this information. Ipresent it here for reference purposes, and for 'tradition', untilprimary records surface - Terry Pickens McLean, 24 Jul 2000.

PARENTS: Robert's parents may be William PICKENS of Edinburg Scotland md.Isobel MATTHISONE? (see Peggy Mitchell post, below - tmc).

BIRTH-SPOUSE-DEATH: Carl Mathis to Terry McLean, per phone conversation7-19-89. Carl believes Robert to have been born in Scotland.

BIRTH: Lew Parsly to Terry McLean; ; ; ; ; SOURCE: Register of QualifiedHuguenot Ancestors, 1983; ; FILE: Enc #532.
CHILDREN: names 4 children - Andrew, John, Robert, and William.

BIRTH-SPOUSE-CHILDREN-DEATH: John C. PIckens, St. Augustine FL, to TerryMcLean; ; Register chart for Robert Andrew Pickens; p. 1; FILE: JCPpapers. CHILDREN: names 2 childen - William, b. abt 1672, and Israel, b.abt 1676.

MARRIAGE: Jack Reynolds to Terry McLean; ; ; ; ; SOURCE: 'Cemetery andBible Records' printed in MS Gen Soc Vol V, pg 20 (1958); FILE: Enc #531.

BIRTH: Joseph Fleming, Atlanta GA, to Terry McLean, Anaheim CA; ; PAFGEDCOM; ; ;


Letter dated 8 Mar 1994 from Lynn Ramsaur, Rt 1, box 1432, ClarkesvilleGA 30523, included information she received from Idus Davis. Thefollowing was part of that material (Enc #P-104):
Easley SC, Route 4
July 26 [?], 1943
M. W. B. Smith,
Dear Sir,
In answer to your first question we have no complete family tree. ThePICKENS family can be traced back to the massacre of the Huguenots August1572.
Robert escaped to Scotland and his son Andrew raised a family there. Hisgrandson Robert migrated to La Rochelle, France about 1660. After therevocation of the Edict at Nantes, 1685 he returned to Scotland for ashort time. England and Scotland were still in a row about their churchdoctrines and he then moved to Limerick on the Shannon river in Irelandwhere his sons, John, Robert and Andrew were born who moved to America.
John settled in Virginia, Andrew in Pennsylvania where his son, Gen.Andrew PICKENS was born. My ancestor Robert settled in Maryland. Andrewand Robert with their families moved to the Waxhaws in 1755; thence toLong Cane in Abbeville, S.C., where the massacre by the Indians occurredin 1761. Ezekiel CALHOUN's wife was killed and scalped by the indians insight of her daughter Rebecca who was in hiding in a thicket of bushesnearby.
Patrick CALHOUN, born in Ireland came to Penn. with his father whenquite a youth. He married Catherine CALDWELL. Their boys [sic?]: WilliamPatrick CALHOUN, Catherine CALHOUN married Moses WADDELL, John C. CALHOUNmarried Florida CALHOUN, Ezekiel CALHOUN (this seems to be brother ofPatrick) wife not known) and daughter Rebecca who married Gen. AndrewPICKENS.
Col. John Erving CALHOUN married Martha DAVIS. Their daughter Floridamarried John Caldwell CALHOUN. [The old man must be mixed up a little inhis arrangement as this must be the same as Florida CALHOUN mentionedabove - id].
Gen. Andrew's uncle Robert, born in Ireland, married Miriam DAVIS, asister to Samuel DAVIS, a Rev. soldier and father of Jefferson DAVIS, theonly Confederate president. So you see the general was much mixed up withthe CALHOUNs, DAVISes and WADDELLs.
Unless Ezekiel CALHOUN had more than two children, Hugh McCANE couldnot be a brother-in-law to General Andrew. His sister Susan married JamesCALHOUN. Margaret married Isaac BOLE. Jane married John MILLER.
Gen. Andrew and Rebecca had four sons and six daughters. He wasmarried only once.
The half has not been told but when I have to scribble I can hardlymake it sensible. The PICKENS history is here in abundance and agraveyard in sight of my dwelling with seven generations buried in it ofthe PICKENS family. There are twenty four Revolutionary soldiers buriedhere. General Andrew's uncle Robert was the first to be buried in it.There are six generations of Roberts in it and the land surrounding ithas belonged to Robert all the time, having been passed down from oneRobert to the next. The first church in old Pendleton district was builtin this place in 1765.
I am 96 years old and trying to write this without the aid of glasses.Served 8 months as a confederate soldier. Did not receive a cent of payor draw a thread of clothing or shoes, lived mostly on coarse corn mealand black sorghum. I came into the world when U. S. was engaged in war(Mexican), got into a war myself, and it appears I will have to be in awar when I leave the world.
But back to your inquiry my opinion is Hugh McCANE was in the crowdthat moved from Penn. to VA., thence to S.C. and was in the Rev. Warperhaps in the command of Gen. Andrew PICKENS, and liked him as anofficer and named his sons for him. Just as the Pickens family have namedchildren LEE for three generations for they think Robert E. LEE thegreatest general America ever produced. Sincerely,
R. W. Pickens, Route 4, Easley"


Peggy Mitchell to Harriett Jackson, 8/14/96 [FILE: Enc #P-238]
"... (my husband is...) Roger Dale MITCHELL m. Peggy KIMERY HisPICKENS line is:
Robert PICKENS m. Ester J. BONNEAU
William PICKEKNS m. Margaret PIKE
Gabriel PICKENS m. Zerubiah SMITH
Jonathan PICKENS, Sr. m. Mary ?
Hannah PICKENS m. Archibald DAVIS
Roger's grandmother, Emma Earle DAVIS, was born in Alcorn Co., MS. Idon't have all her family information yet, but she had a brother namedMonroe DAVIS. Familiar? Peggy

Peggy Mitchell to Joyce Reagan, 08/07/96 [FILE: Enc #P-240]
"Do you know anything about the MATTHISONEs? William Pickens married I.MATTHISONE (b. 10/27/1626 Edinburgh Parrish, Edinburgh, Midlothian,Scotland. Her parents were supposed to be David MATTHISONE and MarianANDERSONE.
Marian's mother was supposed to be Isobel ?..."

Gedcom p1_022003. Copyright Terry McLean. All rights reserved worldwide. This file may have errors.
Rootsweb World Connect Gedcom from Terry (Pickens) McLean, updated 20 Feb 2003
Name of database:Pickens1 database.
Address of database:
This information is a joint effort, and the information contained herein is the property of those who have contributed it.
This data is to be used for private research only. Copyright restrictions may apply.
This is a working/research database and may contain errors. Please evaluate information and sources carefully. Corrections/additions are welcome.

657. traditionally Esther Jane Benoit

COMMENT: Within the last two years or so, a genealogy of the ancestry ofEsther Jane (BENOIT) BONNEAU has begun to circulate. This genealogy listsher as a child of Antoine BONNEAU. While no primary sources have yet comeforward to identify Esther and her family, the long standing tradition isthat she was the 'widow BONNEAU'. Therefore, she would not be an BONNEAUby birth, thus making the BONNEAU genealogy invalid as pertaining to herancestry.
A lot of research has been done on the BONNEAU line of South Carolina,and descendants of that family also agree that Esther is not the same asEsther, the daughter of Antoinne BONNEAU - Terry (Pickens) McLean 1999

July 2000: Robert Dunbar, an BONNEAU family genealogist, has made thefollowing statement, which he has given me permission to post - tmc.
Robert Andre Pickens.
Post #300 - PICKENS forum,, December 04, 1999:
Disclaimer! ...[recent records are ciculating stating] that RobertPICKENS married Ester/Esther BONNEAU, the daughter of Captain AnthoineBonneau. Anthoine BONNEAU did have a daughter named Ester but she was inthe wrong location to have married Robert PICKENS. She was born inCarolina and was a minor living there when her father died in 1742/43.Robert PICKENS was born c1644 and we can safely assume that his wife wasborn near that time, c1644.
Anthoine BONNEAU in his will which was signed 20 Feb 1742 and proved 8Feb 1743 named all of his living children. He named his married daughtersby their married names. He named his unmarried daughters as Floride,Judith, and Ester BONNEAU. This would indicate to me that the three wereunderage and unmarried and living with their father in the BerkeleyCounty, Carolina Province (now South Carolina) The complete will ofAnthoine Bonneau has been posted to the BONNEAU GENFORUM.
24 Jul 2000: Subject: Videa/Bonneau
"In the Huguenot Transactions, vol 71 beginning on page 57 is a 25 pagedocument written by Alice Noble Waring. On the first page of thisdocument she says:
"On Aug 28, 1811, General Andrew PICKENS, of Colonial and RevolutionaryWar fame, wrote "Light Horse Harry Lee: "My father and mother came fromIreland. My father's progenitors emigrated from France after therevocation of the Edict of Nantes." The first progenitor of whom he wroteabout was Robert (Andre) PICON, born ca 1644, --------------he and hisFrench wife, Ester Jane (BENOIT) BONNEAU fled to Scotland by way of LaRochelle, France.--------" [end quote]
This tells me that me that the maiden surname of PICON'S wife wasBENOIT and that she was the widow of a BONNEAU. Who this BONNEAU was isyet to be determined. It certainly was not...Anthoine BONNEAU....[ofSouth Carolina].
In Huguenot Transaction 91, page 92 is this statement:
"-----on Nov 18, 1685, was baptized, Jeanne, the daughter of PierreVideau and his wife Jeanne Elizabeth Mauze (a girl who would grow up inCarolina and marry, in 1702,Anthoine Bonneau, Jr. who had already sailed,on July 15, 1685 with his parents and brother on the Margaret)."
In a foot note on this same page is this: "Pierre Videau was made adenizen on Oct 14, 1681 and again April 9, 1687 with wife JeanneElizabeth and daughter Jeanne."
In huguenot Transaction 82, page 125 was this: "In 1696, a number ofFrench and Swiss refugees were naturalized again at the request of theProvincial Government in Carolina. This included Pierre Videau and hiswife Jeanne Elizabeth Mauze and Jeanne Elizabeth born in London: also ason, Pierre Nicholas and daughters Marianne, Marthe, Ester, and Judith,Jane and Madelaine, all born in Carolina
Records indicate that Jane Videau became the wife of Jacob Bonneau:Marianne, the wife of Nicholas Bochet; and Jeanne, the wife of AnthoineBonneau; another daughter married Daniel Jaudon."
" see the marriage proposal of (Capt) Anthoine Bonneau to PierreVideau for the hand of his daughter, Jeanne Elizabeth, in marriage? Checkrootsweb genforum under Bonneau, posted by me, RDunbar. Also, the lastwill and testament of (Capt) Anthoine Bonneau is also posted at the samelocation
" name is Bob Dunbar. I live in Charleston, SC. I descend fromPierre Videau, Anthoine Bonneau, John Juin and John DuBois all Huguenotrefugees who came to Charles Towne, Carolina Province before 1700. Thesepeople had large families and some of their descendants still residehere. These Huguenots have been researched extensively and most of thefindings have been posted in the Huguenot Transactions, officialpublications of the Huguenot Society of South Carolina. The informationin these Transaction is the most valid information youll find anywheremuch like The New England Historical and Genealogical Register (NEGHR).

!NOTE: "FILE: Enc #___" refers to personal record system of Terry McLean.

SPOUSE: Carl Mathis to Terry McLean; ; ; ; ;

SPOUSE-CHILDREN: Jack Reynolds to Terry McLean; ; ; ; ; ; FILE: Enc #531(source: 'Cemetery and Bible Records' printed in MS Gen Soc Vol V, pg 20(1958).

SPOUSE-CHILDREN: John C. Pickens, St Augustine, FL, to Terry McLean; ;Register Chart for Robert Andrew Pickens; p. 1; ; FILE: JCP papers.

BIRTH: Joseph Fleming, Atlanta GA, to Terry McLean, Anaheim CA; ; PAFGEDCOM; ; ;

Gedcom p1_022003. Copyright Terry McLean. All rights reserved worldwide. This file may have errors.
Rootsweb World Connect Gedcom from Terry (Pickens) McLean, updated 20 Feb 2003
Name of database:Pickens1 database.
Address of database:
This information is a joint effort, and the information contained herein is the property of those who have contributed it.
This data is to be used for private research only. Copyright restrictions may apply.
This is a working/research database and may contain errors. Please evaluate information and sources carefully. Corrections/additions are welcome.